Wednesday, 11 October 2023

100 Words: The Yellow House by the Blue Sea

Won't you stop by for tea

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

Won’t you spend time with me 

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

I wrote this down for you to see

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

Left it on your settee

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

If only I could leave me

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

Then I would run to you

Then I would say to you

Come and be with me 

In the Yellow house 

By the Blue Sea

Always always

Forever ever

Written for Friday Fictioneers from the following picture prompt (see here for other stories): 

PHOTO PROMPT © Rowena Curtin


  1. This is lovely. The repetition makes it sing.

  2. I like the rhymes and rhythm in this and the idea of writing a poem and leaving it for her? to see is very nice. I have my fingers crossed that he gets his wish.

  3. This had a song-like quality. Very enjoyable!
