Monday, 24 April 2017


Ambiguous soul,
Androgenous whole -
Everything about me is grey.

Ambiguous soul,
Androgenous whole -
On no side will I enter the fray.

Written using the Merriam Webster Word of the Day for 24th April 2017: Ambiguous.

Friday, 13 January 2017

The bandit who wore glasses

The bandit who wore glasses,
Committed nothing but farces.

As each time they sprung their trap
Their vision became instantly crap -

For the scarf worn to protect their identity
Did help mist up their lenses incredibly.

So, at the drawing board, the bandit did think,
“What will keep my life from the sink?”

Until at a travelling show,
They found a chap in the know,

And, this is true, it’s a fact:
The bandit bought some lovely contacts.