Friday, 30 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 45

Calliope lived for heroes, 
don't give her none o'those goddamn zeroes:
like a groupie she followed them around, 
seeking to see what and where they would abound:
watching them gain success after near epic fail, 
and recording it all mentally as epic tales:
so she could pass them on with no misnomers, 
most famously to the old man Homer.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Truth Speaker (unfinished)

The Truth Speaker, also known as The Prison Keeper, 
Was kept away for safety's sake, 
For the words that he spake
Would incarcerate rather than liberate.

A mind fried, it's future denied
By an overloading of information
That replaced a lack of notions
An ignorance in realisation

That sought to discover, not to need to recover
All the sanity that created a self
Becoming little more than a shelf
Stocked with all bits of knowledge./With nothing but knowledge.

But all the same
despite this shame

Beware of The Truth Speaker
Also known as The Prison Keeper
How much do you want to know?

Be careful of The Truth Speaker
Be careful with those two peepers
The future can cover you in snow.

Mind out for The Truth Speaker
Watch out for this havoc wreaker
He is dangerous as a swords’s blow.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

He calls the knaves Jacks, this boy!

From childhood I thought we were destined,
As are all who climb into and share skins.
I grew up dreaming and planning our life,
Seeking always to avoid unnecessary strife
By building myself up to be worthy of you,
And not slide into the almighty pauper-stew.
But although I managed to climb up and along
We never got closer to completing our song,
For you were always cold and distant as stars
Your heart always unassailably far.

I should have known, right from the very start
That I would never be able to win your heart,
That you too were a pawn in a game against men,
A trap to ensnare all of my kind and my ken;
That I was never to even your time let:
I should have known from that sentence,

the first time that we met.
My language and my being appalled you,
This reaction remained ever to be true,
Everything else was merely pretence.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Friday, 23 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 43

The skirls swirled around the castle grounds causing girls to whirl upon the castle mounds.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Those were the times (war)

Those were the times that war became even more insane,
The times that made each action ever more inane:
When enemies came together in camaraderie,
When enemies showed respect for professional longevity-

We’d get on so well,
Then blow each other to hell.
We would shake hands,
Then fight for No Man’s Land.

One time we chatted while collecting our dead,
Exchanging stories of the women we had wed;
Another saw us talk of fields occupied by our brothers,
And what we would never write home to our mothers:

Ever condensing our shared experience
Within snatches of time with expediency.
Because on each side we were the same:
Pawns playing out the politician’s game.

Those times made a sham and a mockery of sacrifice,
And showed what could be done by a trap full of mice
That our leaders had quite simply failed to achieve,
Leaving the populace in the path of this grand cleave.

We would have ended it any day,
If we had just known the way;
Rather than remain stout professionals
Killing with an ever-growing arsenal-

Yes, we would have ended it any day,
Downed tools and walked swiftly away,
But for our stiff resolve and sense of duty-
Those things that made us quite, quite loony.

So that all we had were those times war laid down
And we populated the fields of mud brown
With minds full of peace,
Searching desperately for reprieve.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Fates of Richard Parkers

Richard Parker, Richard Parkers,
Their fates could not have been much darker:
Slain to fulfil a need
By those beyond simple greed,
With only the wish to survive,
To return and their life revive
At any cost,
Whatever’s lost,
For life and soul
Is a nasty toll
For coming home alive.

Richard Parker, Richard Parkers,
From home they can’t have seemed much farther,
When the knife pierced their skin,
Or the air was kept from within,
By those who had held their nerve
And never from their need swerved:
To blood spill
And bellies fill,
To gain even a few
Days to wait for rescue,
While Parker his sentence served.

Richard Parker, Richard Parkers,
The cost could not have been larger
For a life spent away at sea,
That ended in catastrophe,
Turned from person to a source of meat,
Claimed later as a necessary feat:
To kill to live,
Ethics sieved,
No longer nice,
No self-sacrifice-
Parker’s conclusion made awfully neat.

Richard Parker, Richard Parkers,
Slain by those with minds sharper,
Or losers at the drawing of lots:
The end of a desperate plot.
Poor wretches,
Death fetches
All in the end,
He never can lend
Time for that’s all that you’ve got.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 42

A tucket for pucket! Let it sound aloud across the grounds and bring peeps in for a fling with a game where we all start the same.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Unwieldy Oaf

I am an unwieldy oaf, never taking the time to use my loaf to control my limbs, letting them flail about, exceptionally dim, risking the eyes of passers-by, endangering as if they were pests, people's pets and inanimate objects.  I have no awareness of body and space, only dreams dancing behind my face, clouding this judgment most necessary, even when I’m not in a hurry, means I frequently have to apologise, as my victims roll their eyes to the skies.  

For I’m such an unwieldy oaf - possessor of a wonky, ineffectual loaf.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

I say!

I say eructation,
I say micturate:
Not to sound knobbish,
Though that may be my fate.

One can't help their upbringing,
The education they gain:
Though it informs their whole life,
Even the words that they say.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 41

His sciential mind drove his thoughts and motives as he offered sciential Gods experimental votives.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 40

These solstitial days feel so artificial: forced to cohabit with family rabbits, twitching and itching to be free, to return to normality.

Friday, 9 November 2012

A contract killer

He and his watch were stem-winders,
Which made him the greatest finder
And dispatcher of men this side
Of the Atlantic’s clockwork tides.

Always placed, on time, appropriately:
Always clean and quick, professionally.
His face and his prints will never be seen,
A body was the only evidence he’d been.

His family thought he was merchant banker,
His victims thought he was an arch wanker.
He knew he was mafia filler,
We know he was a contract killer.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 39

I'd like here to be more absurd... a pirate with a hull of pea curd... 
...with not one parrot but whole herds... he's constantly covered in turds... 

 ...but that seems more stupid than absurd.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Meere bugge-beares to scare boyes

“Childe, stray not across the sunlit path
Into the the forest bleak, damp and dark:
For that is where
Lives the dreaded Bugbear.

“The Bugbear is not wiry and small,
As are other goblins, but rather tall
And built like a bear,
A goblin quite fantastically rare,

“With great hairy hands that could rip
Off your face, huge teeth not just to nip
But to gnaw and chew and tear
Your head from your hair.

“So, childe, keep away from the woods,
Or you will be nothing but snack food
For the fearsome Bugbear
That lives over there.”

That’s what I told him, that’s what I said
And he believed me just like the books that he’s read.
Still I’d rather he believed a lie
Than trip.  And fall.  And die.

Tweet Repeat 38

A triumverate of cocks up on the wall, each stood proudly upon its balls.
Lavatory art the basest of things, from slander and filth to these ding-a-lings.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Little robin red breast

Little robin red breast pecking at my feet,
Little robin red breast with a taste for meat.
It's hard to get annoyed at my own blood's
Sight when nature here is like a flood:
Never have I seen so much so close before,
Nor this level of exposed and nasty gore.

I have flies buzzing hungrily round my thighs,
I got ants literally within my pants,
I feel the chaffing pinches of many chaffinches
As they make the cuts that will spill out my guts
So that snails can sup on my entrails;
And now a jackdaw crunching through my jaws.

I have worms working through my toes,
Working alongside their usual foes
To work apart and feast on the inside
Of my feet, my hands, my front and hide.
And on my lips I can feel the rough kiss
Wrought by the talons of a magpie’s fist-

I'd taste the blood but my tongue's been taken
By a helpful and friendly Tower raven.
My joy may seem to some feigned,
And even though I am racked with pain,
I am joyful as a pig in mud,
Even as I hear the thud

Of my hand, now departed
To the place we all started,
To where we shall return
Via grave or fire and urn-

And, oh what a pleasure!
To be so close to nature!
And, oh what a pleasure!
To be soon parts of nature!

For when through this bench I fall
I will join the glory of all-
Taking on a brand new wife
To be with through eternal life.

Nothings ends but carries on:
Energy to energy ever on;
I do not see a way to die
If with nature I fortify.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Books on the loose!

I can tell from the shelves there are books on the loose,
Like that song with the lines about a moose in the hoose.

Scattered they lie on tables like the wounded in battle,
Round them up I must like great herds of cattle.
Out to them I trudge like a shepherd in fog,
Or another part in the library machine, a cog
And build mini towers of books to carry home,
Back to the shelves and place in the order of tomes
As prescribed by our old friend Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey,

Knowing that it’ll be the same again real soon - oh phooey!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Tweet Repeat 37

My pandect is I'm President Elect(ed by no one) and that's how it goes - NOW WHERE ARE MY HOS?