Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Chimp

The chimp lit himself a cigarette.

The chimp burned the circus down.

The chimp had no regrets.

The chimp only once more wore a frown.

The chimp made a new life for himself in Rome.

The chimp became a porter in a cheap hotel.

The chimp distracted guests in his new home.

The chimp ate bugs and answered the bell.

The chimp used this as a ruse

The chimp was a downtown pimp.

The chimp learned much from his circus muse.

For the chimp was no ordinary chimp.

The chimp ruled over his patch

The chimp held onto his girls.

The chimp could not be matched.

The chimp's plans successfully unfurled

Until the chimp died from blood loss.

With the chimp's blood clotting his fur,

The chimp found it funny because

The chimp knew monsters bred monsters.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Accoutrements of Wonder

The Accoutrements of Wonder
Got lost in a terrible blunder,
Which was sad because they were the key
To defeating a dreaded enemy.

So secret not even the guards were to know
What they looked like, what they even were:
If they were dull or gave off a magical glow
Like that of the grand mystical rabbit‘s fur.

And hidden so incredibly well
That no one could truly tell,
Who it was to blame-
Who should be red with shame

For the loss of the greatest tool,
The surefire slayer of the menace-
So who was it, the greatest of fools:
Who let the net down in war tennis?


Peter was sure he hadn't left them on the ground
Upon the first stop atop the magic mound.
David believed they'd not been lost during revelries
Of a drunken nature over special festivities.

While Ian was sure no baggage hadn't gone,
Not even after fighting the Giant Beast of Lyons,
Nor after the strange episode of the angry cat
That took place within the Valley of the Gnats.

And Graham, who'd never left the train,
Not even for cover in the heaviest rain,
Who kept over all an ever watchful eye
Went mad trying to understand why

And where they had lost this toy,
The disappearing bringer of joy:
How who when had they been lost
And should the guards pay the cost?

But then none knew exactly what they were protecting,
So how could anyone go about detecting
If the accoutrements were here or if they were there:
It was enough to make anyone tear out their hair.

Yet the wizards were totally sure
That they had been there before,
And now were nowhere to find,
Allowing everyone's fears to unwind

And uncoil at an horrific rate-
Now too much trouble was on their plate
And, as the wonders were nowhere to see,
They were left only with pants to pee.


In these times blame must be given,
Like a cursed stake it must be driven
Into the heart of one poor soul
To protect the King's important role.

And so it was the maiden Lizzie,
So oft accused of being dizzy,
Who found herself being given the coat
Of the appointed sacrificial scapegoat.

Lizzie was a kitchen servant girl
Who, under pressure, flew into whirls
And often dropped the pots and pans,
Much to the chagrin of the head man.

Lizzie never went near the accoutrements,
Never even close to the super elements,
But the nasty head man saw a chance
To rid himself of she who nervously danced.

But not due to her slippery fingers,
But because of that day he lingered
Behind inside the kitchens,
His body all over itching

For a piece of Lizzie
Whom he found somewhat more than pretty.
His advances, though, were met with rejection
Leaving him to seek revenge from dejection,

And so he made up a story untrue,
And as his was a trusted point of view-
It became a point of fact
And Lizzie found herself upon the wrack.


And poor Lizzie just had to take it
But deep within she knew the secret,
Even as the King did meanly berate her,
Of the all-seeing evil bastard narrator:

"Such a poor and lowly poet
But that git surely knows it-
He made this dumb story up
Can't he save my sorry butt?

"No, he just sits there typing,
Not his life that's ripe for wiping.
But will he ever tell yer
That he knows the perpetrator?

"Nah, he'll just sit and watch me burn-
The horrid stinking little worm,
Even thinks up a worse way for me to die
Why not hang quickly 'steada slowly fry?

"What happened to "Poor Lizzie"?
I thought I had your sympathy?
No, omiscient creators like to sit back
And let their creations take the flack.

"Four stanzas and still he does nothing
But leave me at the mouth a-frothing-
Guess I'll just have to wait to expire
While he doesn't even perspire."


"I'm guessing now that I'm done for:
No use now in feeling sore.
At least he let me stand up to that prick,
Just a shame about the sexist tricks

"That will take me to my fiery end,
Such penile worlds we must forfend
Where women can be flushed away
To keep men's blushes at bay

"Or is there more (or less) to it all
Than a perverted man's crying bawl:
Perhaps I've come to my end of time
Simply to create a pleasing rhyme.

"So calmly I wait for the fire
Stood upon the waiting pyre,
To finish what the author started:
A man with conscience long departed."


The Accoutrements of Wonder
Got lost in a terrible blunder,
Which was bad because they were the key
To defeating a dreaded enemy.

Poor Lizzie was ever given the blame,
Innocent, she was set in flames.
While the real thief, the guilty culprit,
Planned to make the world his pulpit.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 28

I went down the pub to get high,
For I'd been feeling awfully dry.
I met a nice feller,
Who made me feel clever... 

...But I woke to find I'd been shanghaied

Friday, 21 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 27

While in a hypnogogic state,
Comes to take my order.
“What’ll it be tonight, sir?
“What will fill your plate?
“Eroticism, marriage bliss, love, loss,
“Film music football fame,
“Maybe a hero of the borders?
“Strange surrealism passing in a blur
“Never to be understood;
“Strange, phantoms, faces hidden by hoods.
“A trip to the fair:
A nightmare?” 

I ponder this conundrum:
What do I desire to dream tonight?
A fright
Sounds only glum
While I’m too tired to feel horny...
But a reality thorny,
Filled with strangeness and charm
Might be what my will seeks to keep me safe from harm
: And so I log a request
For a surrealist fest.

If this order would
Be delivered to my sub
Conscious as it should. 

But in the morning I could not remember.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 26

I'd like to write something else today, but I'm far too tired to find words to say. 

Send me to sleep far away and I'll be back another day.

Tweet Repeat 26

The height of our maffick was shown by the traffic
Of people coming into our steeple
The neighbours’ alarms at our boisterious charms
Brought the police to the party we’d wrought
We offered them drinks and the sauciest winks
In reference to their varying preference...-s
And the police to us says as they all donned a fez:
"The beer here is equal to cheer." 

Now people say how 
Phil's end of term party
Will be the end of society: 
Should we feel bad? Maybe we would...
But we're too bloody smashed to feel queer.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 25

I ain't no hulk, I skulk
I loiter with intent, fixing to leave a dent; 
ever concealed, never revealed; 
homing in, a wolf in plain clothing.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 24

Gog stood agog at Magog:
somehow he'd invented a cog!
"How will it help us in conquering Brutus?"
"I'm afraid the answer's in bogs!"

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 23

Monsieur Bon Vivant: good liver, life giver. 
Admit me to your whirling dervish- 
Teach me, I am at your service.

Fine cheese, wines; caviar, fois gras; 
Fine grass, lines; a menage a trois...  

Never again let me sleep in my bed,
I want to see paradise: from A to Z. 

Because, you see, sir, I'm naught but scum 
From the rotten, filthy, molten slums. 
I grew up, looking to the upper heavens, 
Dreaming to break the deadly sins: all seven.

Therefore Bon Vivant, I beseech you forever 
To take me on, and under, your wing 
As apprentice to your endless fling.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 22

With me, "having a torrid time," is likely to lead to a horrid rhyme. 
For these common denominators, I should be sent a Terminator.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Crucible (not silly as with some - more just bad)

Her very own crucible held the meaning of runcible, the charges being quite nonsensical.

But how can you fight when the collective might erects an alternative sight -

And when the glory of all, builds from lies a wall, that is insurmountably tall?

So that nothing you say can pave your way out of this hideous unholy affray.

And you reason as to why it was treason they cried before throwing you into a prison?

All you know is they switched, started calling you bitch, then accused you of being a witch.


When a courtroom crucible holds the meaning of runcible you surely should fear the nonsensical.

And clattering brutes, who’ll become the root, of a journey that turns you to soot.

But when the mob stands firm, the mob'll make you squirm, the mob'll create their worm -

To touch and to burn, to grind and to churn, to try and to "make you learn” -

So when men start to pry maybe turn tail and fly cause these arseholes want you to fry

When fear of women turns from merely suspicion to outright and bloody perdition.


So run from the crucible with its meaning of runcible, a world completely nonsensical -

Leave behind dread men, form your own haven, under the banner of only women;

Or rise up and take lead, show them how to bleed, your own ambition do feed;

Or merely make them learn, their opinions do turn, make a new society, even and firm.

But don't be coy, don't let them toy, don't let them suck your joy -

Because that creates the crucible, with the meaning of runcible - a world completely nonsensical.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 21

Another via Stephen Fry's Word of the Day:

A milquetoast stands as a post, can maybe coast, but is often just a ghost at most.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Tweet Repeat 20

Warrior owls in cahoot
Create one heck of a moot.
When in unison they swarm down
One can do naught but frown.